Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sony Goes Full Speed on Digi-Distribution

Mere minutes after posting about how the PS3 could fail, they go ahead and do something I like. Sure it's actually about a day old, but I just read about it so therefore it's new news to you and I. Sony sat down with GamaSutra to talk about its plans regarding the E-Distribution Initiative (EDI) the company is launching with PS3's online network.

The EDI project manager makes the project seem like it's so much different from Xbox Live Arcade, but scoffs at the idea by saying, "We're looking for fresh, new ideas that fully exploit the power of PlayStation 3. Our 1st party projects are all unique to PS3. Some of our games, by virtue of their design and hardware demands, simply couldn't work on Xbox 360."

Nothing I saw on the PS3 at E3 has me believing that any PS3 software isn't possible on the Xbox 360. Though given his position to promote the service and company, you can't blame the guy for blowing smoke up our collective asses.

I do think EDI is a good program, just like XBL. It provides a distribution channel for those developers without the funds or connections to get major distribution deals with publishers and retailers.

This one goes out to all those indy developers out there. Like Will Ferrell once said, "Just keep on...keep on truckin'."


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